Olesko Law Firm

Divorce Lawyer Flint, MI

Divorce Lawyer Flint, MI

Divorce Lawyer Flint, MI

Divorce is a difficult enough process without all of the paperwork and logistics involved. Ending a marriage can be hard, and the last thing you want to do is feel stressed about getting paperwork turned in on time and the logistics of dealing with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. It is important to have a divorce lawyer Flint, MI residents trust on your side when you are going through this process. Olesko Law Firm, PLLC is here to help and someone from our firm can talk with you about how to begin.

The Divorce Process

The divorce process is different for everyone. Some divorce proceedings are easy if each of the parties are on the same page. In this case, they could even get by through the more simple method of mediation. Most divorces involve going to court, though, and each party hiring their own attorney to fight on their behalf.

It is important to have your own lawyer who is looking out for your best interests. He or she can guide you through the division of assets, alimony, child support and custody if applicable, and even go through a prenuptial agreement you or your partner may have signed to see if there are any loopholes. Your life will be changing drastically because of the divorce, so it is important to have someone who is going to make the transition a little bit easier. One of the experienced divorce lawyers in the Flint area at Olesko Law Firm, PLLC will be ready to help you whenever you are ready.

Child Custody and Child Support

Children typically make the divorce process a little more complicated. Whether they are biological children or adopted by both parents, a judge must decide how to divide up the time between parents after they are no longer living together as a family unit. This can be particularly difficult if one or both of the parents are being difficult and unable to come to a compromise. The judge’s only priority is making sure the children are taken care of and can be raised in a healthy environment. A divorce lawyer is a great person to have in your corner if you need to fight for custody of your children. He or she may still be a good contact for you, even after the divorce is finalized and the custody is established. This is because child custody can be messy, and one of the parents may be unhappy with the arrangement that has been made. You can always go back to court to negotiate a different arrangement, but as mentioned before, the judge will want to see that the children have stable home lives.

Crafting a Parenting Plan

If you and your child’s other parent will share custody and/or parenting responsibilities to any significant degree, the court will almost certainly direct you to create a parenting plan. A parenting plan serves as a legally enforceable “blueprint” for your co-parenting relationship. It may detail the calendar by which your child will spend time with each parent, how travel between homes will be navigated, how often (and by what mechanism) you and your co-parent will be bound to communicate with each other, etc.

A well-crafted parenting plan will help to set reasonable expectations for everyone affected by your agreement. If you and your co-parent agree to the terms that you’ve crafted, you can really address any important parenting matter within its text. The Flint, MI divorce lawyer team at Olesko Law Firm has extensive experience assisting parents with creating parenting plans. We would be honored to assist you with drafting yours according to the “best interest of the child” standard that governs virtually all family law matters concerning children.

Modifying Child Custody or Support Orders

The American legal system is not so unworldly as to presume that a child’s best interests will be served in the same ways from that child’s infancy to adulthood. As a result, it is possible to modify child custody, parenting plan, and child support orders under certain circumstances. Most of the time, there are two primary criteria that must be met in order for a judge to rule favorably in re: modification. (Co-parents can generally choose to modify child custody orders, parenting plan terms, and certain aspects of child support matters by mutual consent and without judicial intervention.) The first is that a significant change in circumstances has occurred since the original orders were entered. This criterion exists so that co-parents don’t haul one another into court over every minor dispute. The second is that the change must be in the child’s best interests. When in doubt, anything having to do with a child’s homelife is ruled upon by family law judges according to the best interests of the child standard. 

If you have questions about modification matters, the experienced Flint, MI divorce lawyer team at Olesko Law Firm can advise you at any time. You do not need to be navigating the throes of divorce or separation to ask questions about your child’s homelife situation. These concerns should be voiced at any point in time during which they present themselves.

Taking Care on Social Media Until Your Case Is Resolved

While your divorce and/or child custody matter remains pending, it is important to take extreme care with your social media engagement. Even if your accounts are private, anything that you post online can conceivably be discovered by opposing counsel and used to weaken the strength of your case. For example, if you post a picture of a new, significant purchase, opposing counsel could insist that you are draining marital assets in bad faith. If you have any questions about how to safely engage on social media while your case remains unresolved, the Flint, MI divorce lawyer team at Olesko Law Firm will be happy to advise you.

Why Dating During Divorce Is a Bad Idea

When you are in the middle of a divorce, dating someone new should be the last thing on your mind. Although there’s nothing illegal about dating while divorce, it can certainly complicate matters. Here are a few reasons why dating during divorce is a bad idea.

  • It could drag out your divorce.

    A divorce is one of the most difficult things you can go through, so you naturally want to get it over with as quickly as possible. However, if you start dating too soon, it may take longer to finalize your divorce. Your ex may still have hard feelings and may become angry after finding out about your new romantic partner. He or she may then try to drag out the divorce process to get back at you.

  • It could make it more difficult to gain child custody.

    If you and your spouse have children together, dating someone new might make it more challenging to get custody. Your spouse may argue that it may be unhealthy and unsafe to expose your children to a stranger. The judge may agree and grant custody to your spouse.

  • It could make things more expensive.

    As mentioned above, dating too soon can drag out your divorce. This essentially means that you will be paying your divorce lawyer in Flint, MI more money. It is no secret that divorces are already expensive. You don’t want to make it even more pricey by dating someone new.

  • It could increase your children’s emotional distress.

    Divorce can be especially difficult on children. Depending on how young they are, children may not completely understand what is going on and become very confused. They are quite vulnerable at this time, so you should be extra sensitive to their needs. If you bring in a romantic partner too soon, it could confuse them even more and trigger feelings of sadness and anger. Additionally, a new romantic partner may take valuable time away from your kids.

  • It could be bad for your mental health.

    At first, seeing someone new may be exciting and reduce your loneliness. However, if you date too soon, you won’t be able to complete the healing process, which can harm your mental health. It’s better to go through all the stages of grief before bringing someone new into your life.

Contact a Divorce Lawyer from Olesko Law Firm

If you or your spouse are getting ready to file for divorce, make sure you get great representation to ensure your rights are protected. A divorce lawyer in Flint, MI from Olesko Law Firm, PLLC will be happy to speak with you about your unique situation. Schedule a consultation today! Don’t hesitate — you need to make sure you don’t miss any deadlines or important paperwork.

Do you need a divorce lawyer in Flint MI? If you do, you’ll be glad to hear about the  Olesko Law Firm. The end of a marriage is difficult enough. You can make it easier on yourself if you’re represented by a law firm that not only has your best interests in mind, but knows divorce law in Flint MI well.

What Is Divorce Law?

Divorce law is what governs and guides a couple who want to end their marriage. It is different in each state, which is why you want a divorce lawyer who is licensed to practice in the state where you live.

Since every marriage is different from every other, divorce law can get complicated. It addresses such issues as child custody, property, spousal support and more. 

Child Custody

Child custody – will the two of you try to continue to raise your children together or will one of you take on primary responsibility. What about visiting rights? What about the grandparents? Where should the kids go to school – the issues around children can often seem endless. A good divorce lawyer can help you sort them out for the benefit of the children. Will there be a parenting plan or how will the details of the children be sorted out.


The property of the marriage, which might be a home, investments in state or out of state, car ownership, second homes, sums of money, inheritances, the list of possibilities is long. There are also times when one spouse or another brings something of value to the marriage. Has that become part of the property of the marriage or not. Basically the property must be split between the couple in accordance with the law and the law is not always straightforward.

Spousal Support

Spousal support speaks to such issues as payment to help raise any children, payment to one or the other partner to support them either through a transition period or even longer.

As you can see, each of these issues is deeply personal and can, if not handled with delicacy, end up in huge, expensive battles. It’s these sorts of problems that explain why it’s often a good idea for each spouse to have their own attorney.

If, however, you and your spouse are truly on good terms, it may be possible to share an attorney.

Free Consultation

The Oslesko Law Firm is happy to offer you a free consultation. When you’re faced with the marriage you’re likely to be upset and confused. Taking advantage of the Oslesko Law Firm will help you begin to sort out what’s happening and what you need to do.

In this meeting you will be able to tell your side of the situation and know you’ll be listened to without judgment. The attorney or other counselor will ask questions until they feel sure they understand what’s happened. They will ask about you, your spouse, who is initiating the divorce and why, about the family home and other property, and of course, about any children you may have. You will also have ample opportunity to ask questions too. Chances are you’ll leave the conversation with a clear picture of how the divorce and various agreements are likely to proceed. In other words, you’ll be in a position to make the decisions you need to make.

Know that asking for the free consultation is in your best interests. You find an email form on the right hand column of every page and the phone number at the top of every page, making it easy for you to contact a divorce lawyer in Flint MI, the Olesko Law Firm.

If you have decided to get a divorce, your next step should be to speak to a divorce lawyer in Flint, MI. A divorce is a difficult process and you do not want to go through it on your own. A lawyer can guide you through the entire process and answer all of your questions.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce

A divorce is never easy. If you have children, it can make the process even more difficult. However, the sooner you talk to your kids, the better. Here are some tips for discussing divorce with your children.


  • Select a private setting.

    Divorce is too personal of a topic to discuss in a public place, like a restaurant. It is important to choose a private and quiet place to talk to your kids about the matter, like your living room. This way, they will feel comfortable talking about their feelings.

  • Leave the details out.

    When talking about your divorce with your kids, it is best to avoid discussing intimate details. For example, you don’t want to tell your kids that your marriage ended because of an affair. Instead, tell your kids that you and your spouse don’t get along the way you used to and think it is best to get a divorce.

  • Reassure your children that they didn’t do anything wrong.

    As a divorce lawyer in Flint, MI can confirm, many children think they are to blame for their parent’s divorce. That is why you should tell your children that they didn’t do anything wrong. Let them know that you and your spouse still love them dearly.

  • Be prepared for various reactions.

    Some children take the news of divorce quite well while others do not. That is why you should be ready for a wide range of reactions. Don’t be surprised if one or more of your children cry or scream. Allow them to air out their emotions.

  • Encourage your kids to ask questions.

    It is likely that your children will have plenty of questions about your divorce. They may wonder which parent they will live with and if they will have to attend another school. Encourage your children to ask questions and give them detailed answers.

If you want to get a divorce, you should schedule a consultation with a divorce lawyer in Flint, MI to discuss the matter in detail. Call Olesko Law Firm now.

Divorce Lawyer Flint, MI Infographic

Tips For Discussing Divorce With Your Children Infographic

If you and your spouse are about to begin an uncontested divorce, a divorce lawyer in Flint, MI knows that things can still become complicated even if you both agree on many aspects of the divorce. One of the biggest benefits of an uncontested divorce is that it will likely be much cheaper than a contested divorce. You will probably pay less in legal fees if you are able to agree on things and you will also finalize your divorce quicker. If you are interested in working with an attorney throughout this process, reach out to Olesko Law Firm today. 

What does it mean if you and your spouse go through an uncontested divorce?

When it comes to divorces, they often carry stigmas. However, you and your partner may be divorcing amicably because it is the best thing for your relationship and your family. Uncontested divorces can allow you and your partner to move on and can mean you are not fighting about the big things like:


  • Who gets what in the divorce
  • Who will have custody of your children
  • The amount of alimony you or your spouse will get
  • How much child support to pay

If you have an uncontested divorce, you can avoid going through the hassle and stress of presenting all of your evidence to a judge who will then decide what should happen. When you begin the divorce process, your Flint, Michigan divorce lawyer will help you:

  • Get paperwork together for initially filing for divorce
  • Get things together so you can serve your spouse with divorce papers
  • Gather financial information
  • Devise a plan for what you would like for your kids and what is in their best interests

Is there any point in having a lawyer if the divorce is amicable? 

If you and your spouse have been amicable through the process of starting your divorce, this is one of the best-case scenarios. That said, you never know when a divorce will turn sour or when one thing is so important to your spouse that they will make the rest of the divorce process harder unless they get their way. Especially if you have children, it is best to work with an attorney so that they can protect you and your children throughout the process. You will want to know that you have someone on your team who understands the details about divorce law.

Interested in working with us? Contact our divorce lawyer in Flint, Michigan, reach out to Olesko Law Firm today! 

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