Olesko Law Firm

How Does a Misdemeanor Impact Getting a Job?

Many people who are job hunting try to ensure they have everything they need on their resume when they apply. They want to meet the education criteria, provide their years of experience, and show extra-curricular activities that could make them a shoo-in for the position they want. Even with a perfect resume, though, you may be wondering if a prior misdemeanor conviction will impact whether you get this job. Although not as bad as felonies, having a misdemeanor on your record can absolutely make or break getting your dream job. 

If I don’t tell them about the misdemeanor, are they going to know?

This is one of the scenarios where “honesty is the best policy” comes to mind. Especially if you do not think the misdemeanor was a big deal, you may be tempted to avoid bringing it up and writing it down on your job application. However, it is important to remember that employers can, and often do, run criminal background checks on people they are considering hiring. If you choose to leave this detail out and they find out, it will likely be much worse for you in the long run. 

What should I do when I am facing misdemeanor charges? 

When you are facing these charges, you should try to consider how they will impact you in the future. Because misdemeanor charges are not often as severe as felony charges, you may be tempted to plead guilty and try to move on. However, a lawyer, like a misdemeanor lawyer from a law firm like May Law, LLP would urge you to reconsider. Even if you do not believe the crime you committed was so bad, a future employer may look at you and think that you are too big of a liability for their company. It is always best to seek help from an attorney you can trust and try to fight these charges. 

What if a job application does not ask about a criminal record? 

Most job applications will ask you about your criminal history, but if they don’t, you may want to consider speaking up when you are being interviewed. It is certainly possible that being open about it may mean they choose not to hire you. On the other hand, if you explain what you learned from your experience and how it has positively shaped you, an employer may choose to hire you anyway.  

A misdemeanor can affect you long after you have pleaded guilty. Before you do, though, it is best to seek legal counsel from a local attorney you can rely on.

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